Version 3.3

SQL » Relations

To define an SQL relation you can use the standard way of defining relations in ROM:

class Users < ROM::Relation[:sql]
  schema(infer: true)

Setting dataset (table) name explicitly

By default relation's dataset name is inferred from the class name. You can override this easily:

module Relations
  class Users < ROM::Relation[:sql]
    schema(:users, infer: true)

Aliasing a relation

If your dataset name is not something that you'd like to use in your application, you can easily alias relation so that it'll be accessible via your custom name:

module Relations
  class Users < ROM::Relation[:sql]
    schema(:AdminUsers, infer: true, as: :users)

Adjusting default dataset

Every relation is initialized with a default dataset which is set up based on schema. This means that all columns are explicitly selected and relations are ordered by primary key. If you want to change this, define your custom default dataset using a block:

module Relations
  class Users < ROM::Relation[:sql]
    schema(:users, infer: true)

    dataset do
      select(:id, :name).order(:name)