Version master

Introduction » Installation

Choose one or more adapters that you intend to use, and run the install command for each one (or add it to your Gemfile)

Compatible with rom 5.0:

Adapter Install Command On production?
SQL gem install rom-sql
Elasticsearch gem install rom-elasticsearch
HTTP gem install rom-http
YAML gem install rom-yaml

Compatible with rom 4.0:

Adapter Install Command On production?
SQL gem install rom-sql
Elasticsearch gem install rom-elasticsearch

Compatible with rom 3.0:

Adapter Install Command On production?
YAML gem install rom-yaml
CouchDB gem install rom-couchdb
HTTP gem install rom-http
DynamoDB gem install rom-dynamodb
Yesql gem install rom-yesql

Outdated (help wanted!) adapters:

Adapter Install Command Production ready?
CSV gem install rom-csv
Git gem install rom-git -
Cassandra gem install rom-cassandra
Kafka gem install rom-kafka
MongoDB gem install rom-mongo -
Neo4j gem install rom-neo4j -
Event Store gem install rom-event_store
RethinkDB gem install rom-rethinkdb -

How to choose an adapter?

The most popular adapter is rom-sql, but some projects connect to an HTTP API, or need the expandability of MongoDB and CouchDB. It's up to you to choose the appropriate solution for your application's needs.

Install rom

Simply install rom or add it to your Gemfile. Adapters will be auto-loaded based on configuration settings.

For example, if you'd like to use ROM with an SQL database, add following gems to you Gemfile:

gem 'rom'
gem 'rom-sql'


ROM needs a setup phase to provide a persistence environment for your entities. The end result is the container, an object that provides access to relations and commands, and integrates the two with your mappers.

Depending on your application needs, you may want to use different setup strategies:

  • Quick setup - suitable for small scripts
  • Framework setup - suitable for custom environments (advanced usage only needed when your framework does not provide integration with ROM)
  • Rails - setup integrated with Rails

Most guide examples are written specifically for the rom-sql adapter. If you are using a different one, consult that adapter's documentation as well.